

Ray—I would like to express appreciation to my mother, Hannah, who gave me the confidence that I could solve any challenge, and to my wife, Sonya, and my kids, Ethan and Amy, who give me the motivation to live my life to the fullest.

Terry—I would like to express special thanks to my parents, Louis and Irene, who provided me a world of possibilities; my children, Abraya and Samuel, for whom unlimited possibilities lie ahead; and to Karen, who has already done the impossible.


e would both like to thank the many talented and devoted people who assisted us in bringing this project to life. At Rodale: Stephanie Tade, whose enthusiasm, inspired leadership, and discerning ideas made this book possible; Chris Potash, whose insightful editing made a significant contribution; Kelly Schmidt, for coordinating the many details of book production; Rachelle V. S. Laliberte, for her expert copyediting; Louise Braverman, Cathy Gruhn, and Meghan Phillips, for their publicity work; and Amy Rhodes, vice president and publisher of Rodale Trade Books, for her continued support of the book.Loretta Barrett, our literary agent, whose keen guidance and efforts established our wonderful partnership with Rodale. Martine Rothblatt, whose dedication to health and longevity and enthusiastic support of this project have greatly enhanced the book and our experience of creating it.

Amara Angelica, whose tireless and insightful efforts led our research team. Amara also used her outstanding editing skills to help us articulate the complex issues in this book. Elizabeth Collins, who conducted thorough and extensive research on technology projects and provided extensive assistance with the endnotes and glossary. Celia Black-Brooks, who provided key insights on how to shape our message. Laksman Frank, who created the attractive diagrams and images from our descriptions. Phil Cohen, who created the cardiovascular images in chapter 15. Our research staff, Sarah Black, Tom Garfield, Emily Brown, and Daniel Pentlarge, who helped find and organize extensive research materials.Nanda Barker-Hook, who helped manage the extensive logistics of the research and editorial processes. Ken Linde and Matt Bridges, who provided computer systems support to keep our intricate work flow progressing smoothly. Denise Scutellaro, Joan Walsh, Maria Ellis, and Bob Beal for doing the accounting on our complicated project.

Our peer expert readers: Karen Kurtak, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., for her contributions and ideas regarding the importance of organic foods and environmental toxins; Glenn S. Rothfeld, M.D., who carefully reviewed many of the chapters; Aubrey de Grey, for his expert review of the manuscript; Brian Grossman, M.D., D.V.M., regarding vitamin and mineral supplementation; Joel Miller, M.D., for reviews and contributions to our discussion of stress and balance; Melvin E. Clouse, M.D., for his thorough review of the chapter on heart disease; George Juetersonke, D.O., and Lee Light, M.D., who did a wonderful and thorough job of providing detailed review of several chapters; Robert Rowen, M.D., editor of Second Opinion newsletter; Drs. Jeff and Greg Stock, Patrick Hanaway, M.D., of Genova Diagnostics, Lynn Parry, M.D., John McNamara, M.D., Rob Lyons, M.D., Steve Parcell, N.D., and Bob Litman, R. Ph., who provided detailed reviews of specific chapters and material. A special thank-you also to Paul Dragul, M.D., for his support and inspiration.Our lay readers, who provided keen insight to help shape the material: Aaron Kleiner, Martine Rothblatt, Mike Weiner, Nanda Barker-Hook, Sarah Black, Regina Mandl, Irene Grossman, and Robert Toale.

The above individuals provided many ideas and corrections that we were able to make thanks to their expert guidance. For any mistakes that remain, the authors take sole responsibility.


Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman M.D. Rodale: 11/2004 ISBN#1-57954-954-3